We are excited to give you a brief introduction and training to get your team read to submit cases. The 7-minute session will include an overview of AIS Rapid Radiology, tips on incorporating it into your workflow, a walkthrough of how to submit a case, and what to expect when you receive the report.
This course is a prerequisite to activation of AIS RapidRead
position Radiology for your hospital. We recommend that your veterinarians and support staff who will be taking radiographs and submitting cases complete this course.
The course consists of a 7-minute video and 4 Knowledge Check questions. AIS Technical Support is notified when you have completed the questions successfully and will let you know when your account is activated to submit cases.
For a current list of AIS
RapidRead Radiology findings, go to https://antechimagingservices.com/antechweb/ais-rapidread-findings-full-list.
To access the program curriculum, please Click Here.